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To serve our clients to the best
of our ability utilizing the state of the art latest engineering
techniques. To complete all work entrusted to us, on time, within budget, and to our
benefit and total satisfaction.
California Engineering Int.
Co., Cal Engineering Co. (CEICO) is a prominent consulting civil, structural
mechanical and geotechnical engineering company.
We hold professional engineering State licenses in our
related fields of practice.
We specialize in Home Inspection, damage
assessment, earthquake & geotechnical engineering and cover a wide area from Drainage, Flooding & Mud-Slide to
erosion and settlement control. We provide Full Engineering Home Inspection & Reports
to home owners, buyers, realtors & other home inspection companies.
We perform Soil Reports and Title 24 Energy Savings Compliance
Reports, foundation & structural evaluation, and Earthquake Engineering risk
analysis, strengthening & retrofitting.
We design, repair and build Foundations.
Our services include construction supervision, on-site insurance
claim investigation, Court Expert' Witness for litigation, mitigation & dispute resolution. We cover construction
services for individual homes and business property.
Cal Realty, our Real Estate
sister company, provides full brokerage services for our existing
and potential clients. CEICO is also active and provide support in related areas
including Management Services.
California Engineering International Co. has undertaken engineering,
project management and construction in the USA and overseas.
For EMERGENCIES including:
ground movement, mud-slides, erosion, earthquake distress, ground caving, foundation, gas
line rupture, home damage, building settlements, flood, construction accidents, on-site
insurance claim assistance, structural collapse of all kinds. Also for: urgent help
in situations involving civil, structural, geotechnical/soil engineering problems and
solutions to safeguard life, health, property and
public welfare.
Please call 24 hours a day:
Telephone: Office (510)524-1494 Mobile (510) 282-5510 / (510)
Address: 903 Ventura Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94707
Electronic mail:
Information: Info@CalEngineering.com
Customer Support:
clients include the private individuals Joe & Jane Blow next door home owners, sellers
& buyers, Real Estate Brokers, Corporation,
Universities, Hospitals, Government Entities, School Districts, Citys Public Works,
Contractors, Developers of new housing, County
Courts, Construction Litigation Attorneys. To name only few :
AT & T, San Francisco
Intel Corp., Folsom
Stanford University, SLAC National Accelerator
Laboratory, Palo Alto
UC Berkeley Alpha
Gamma Delta, Berkeley
Berkeley Public Works
Waste Management, Richmond
Oakland School District
Tutor- Saliba, Berkeley
El Cerrito Pet Hospital
West Contra Costa County Uniform School District, WCCCUSD
( El Cerrito, San Pablo, Richmond )
San Francisco, Sutter St High Rise Bldg.
Daly City Westborough Medical Building,
Bechtel Corporation, San Francisco
Real Estate Companies: Prudential, Coldwell Banker,
Century 21, Better Homes, Alain Pinel, Redfin, ETC.
Bank Mortgage Lenders : Chase, Bank of America, Wells
Fargo, Guarantee Mortgage Corp. Met Life, ETC.
Best Design, Brisbane
Debbas architecture, Berkeley
Contra Costa County, Court Expert Witness
Alameda County, Court Expert Witness
San Francisco County, Court Expert Witness
San Mateo County, Court Expert Witness
100s designs of earthquake Retrofitting and
100s designs of French drains and soil slope
1000s Residential Home Inspections
100s Commercial Office Building & Industrial
Building Inspections
100s Geotechnical Investigation, Soil Reports:
Residential & Commercial for new residences, tract housing & office buildings